Steph from Beauty Bangs tells us why Chanel Mat Lumiere Foundation is more than welcome to charm the pennies from her purse...
Tell us a little about yourself...
Hi all! I’m Steph, I’m a 23 year old Psychology/Criminology graduate from South East England. I work in a field that is very far removed from the beauty industry but have a somewhat minor major obsession with make up, beauty and fashion. I am the silliest person that I know and can’t help dancing around regardless of who is watching and I make up silly songs all the time, particularly about mundane things! I also love everything about the 80s!
What can we expect to see from your blog?
My blog is choc full of reviews of a host of products. I love painting my nails and have lots of ‘nail of the day’ posts and am slowly building a large collection of nail varnishes! I have just ventured into doing ‘face of the day’ posts as well. Basically, anything that tickles my pickle ends up on the blog!
Top 3 blogs/ sites?
Oh man! Even though I knew this question was coming, I still found it really hard to narrow it down! I tend to focus on British bloggers as I like knowing that the products they are blogging about are accessible to me. The first one is Primp and Preen, which is written by Ros who is really down to earth and like me has a dangerous nail varnish obsession! My second one would have to be Le Petit Jardin de Liloo, I always look forward to Liloo’s posts and find her writing style really witty and charming. Finally, I really like Mirror, Mirror on the wall who I just recently discovered but have fallen in love with!
Charming Chanel
Ever been blown away by a bronzer? Excited by an eye shadow? Flabbergasted by a foundation?
I have finally had that moment of pure lust with a product! Many of you will have heard of Chanel Mat Lumiere foundation – it is a well known product after all! For me, I have coveted and dreamt about owning this product and finally, with baited breath I forked out the £33 to own it. Admittedly, I had to cover my eyes whilst paying for it – if I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen right? RIGHT? Anyway, this is much more than I would normally pay for any beauty product but let’s just say my hormones were in full flow that day.
I have struggled to find my perfect foundation since I was a spotty, grease- ball of a teenager so this product may well be my make up Holy Grail.
Chanel claim that the foundation is for combination skin with a tendency to shine (yep, that would be me) and that it has a soft and natural, matte finish.
Now this is me make up free. Apologies in advance for unleashing this image upon the world!
This foundation is a dream to apply and blends really well. I love that the bottle comes with a pump which reduces waste and I found that two pumps of product was enough to cover my whole face. This foundation has medium coverage but it doesn’t feel at all heavy. It sets to a lovely matte finish which I adore, I didn’t even need to powder *faints*. My skin looks radiant and flawless after the foundation has set.
I wore this foundation all day and even worked up a minor sweat (I don’t DO major sweating) and I can say that I haven’t had to touch it up at all and continued to look flawless and matte.
I am in awe of and amazed by this product. Yes, it is expensive – more expensive than any cosmetic I have ever purchased but I can see it lasting a long time as so little is needed. It has ended my quest for the perfect foundation... maybe I should send Chanel a thank you card?
Want to see what else Steph is loving lately? Find out at Beauty Bangs!
Love this guest feature! How can I be a guest on your blog? I would love to be a part of this!