REVIEW - Hi-Fi 'High Impact Shadow Fix'

I feel like I haven't expressed my love for this stuff loudly enough here it is...

(and that's saying something)

But seriously, this primer is so many degrees of awesome that I feel like putting it on a pedestal. And so I am. Lucky for me, a sample of this was in my youtube guru/ blogger kit, otherwise I'd probably have just gone with the hype surrounding Fyrinnae's pixie epoxy (which I still want to try) and forgotten all about it.

[[ Image Source - Hi-Fi Cosmetics ]]

What is it? Ingredients aren't listed, other than 'glycerin based, contains aloe vera' so I can't say exactly, but I will say this -  it's a goopy, sticky, scent free, translucent gel. EDIT - Ingredient list and info added 08/ 11/ 10 here.

So how exactly does it work? You prime your eye area as usual, with something like Urban Decay Primer Potion, smudge the tiniest (I'm talking pin head size) blob of the shadow base over the top and pop your eyeshadow on ever that. The base GRABS the eyeshadow like glue, making the 'shadow colour true and intense. Because the eyeshadows stick so fast, they can become a little awkward to blend - nothing a little layering wont solve, though! I've used this with my weakest eyeshadows and BOOM, they're super bold :D Lets have a look, shall we?

[[ HISF, UDPP, no base - MAC 'Rose' pigment ]]

[[ HISF, UDPP, no base - Make-up Enigma 'Sunshine' ]]

However - it doesn't work with matte shades. There's actually a little warning about this on Hi-Fi's Etsy listing, but I tried it anyway (as you do). Mattes become patchy and completely unblendable, so you have to be careful with where you apply the base if you're going for a multi-textured look. Also, removal can be a pain, I recommend an oil based remover, though moisturiser also does the job pretty well.

Overall, I deem this a saviour of crap eyeshadows and a...glorifier of fabulous eyeshadows :) I've even used it on clients - how much confidence does that show?! I would definitely buy this in future!

Full sizes come in lipgloss-esque tubes with a doe foot applicator, 5.9ml of product, $5.99 (BARGAIN).
The sample I received came in a deep clamshell pot and contained a generous amount of product. Samples aren't listed, but I'm sure if you contacted Hi-Fi, they'd pop a listing up for you :)


  1. I still need to try this! I do use Pixie Epoxy from time to time and love it. But I'll probably pick some Shadow Fix up next time I order from Hi-Fi.

  2. Great review :) Does this work better than the TOO Faced Primer? have you tried that one? TOo Face changes the color so it gets really intense as well. XOXO

  3. Hell I want this!!

  4. That looks fab. May need to pick up a sample or tube once I finish the Fyrinnae Pixy Epoxy sample I already have.

    If you haven't already, try it with more difficult Urban Decay shadows, I finally got UD Asphyxia to show up by putting PE underneath! Next experiment is likely to be UD Midnight Cowboy to make the glitter stay in place.

  5. @ The Peach, it's well worth a trial. Good stuff!

    @ Venus in Virgo, you use this OVER a normal primer, like TFSI. It does make the colour pop 100% more than TFSI (which I used to use regularly) :)

    @ Polly, geddit!

    @ SilhouetteScreams, it is awesome indeed.

    @ Galenx, deffo try it out! I tried it with UD MCRA and Goddess, it makes the glitter stick much better and really improved the payoff of Goddess.


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